Essentia  2.1-beta6-dev
essentia Namespace Reference




class  AlgorithmInfo
class  EssentiaFactory
class  Configurable
class  Logger
class  TypeMap
class  PairCompare
class  Parameter
class  ParameterMap
class  Pool
class  Range
class  Everything
class  Interval
class  Set
class  RogueVector
class  Stringifier
class  Mutex
class  MutexLocker
class  ForcedMutex
class  ForcedMutexLocker
class  EssentiaException
struct  case_insensitive_str_cmp
class  OrderedMap
class  EssentiaMap
class  TypeProxy
class  Tuple2
class  Position
class  AsciiCanvas
class  AsciiBox
class  AsciiDAGParser
class  AudioContext
class  JsonConvert
class  JsonException
class  YamlException
class  YamlNode
class  YamlScalarNode
class  YamlSequenceNode
class  YamlMappingNode


typedef int DebuggingSchedule[][3]
typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::pair< int, int >, int > > DebuggingScheduleVector
typedef std::string DescriptorName
typedef float Real
typedef EssentiaMap< std::string, std::string, string_cmp > DescriptionMap
typedef int ReaderID
typedef Real AudioSample
typedef Tuple2< RealStereoSample
template<typename T >
using Tensor = Eigen::Tensor< T, 4, Eigen::RowMajor >
template<typename T >
using TensorMap = Eigen::TensorMap< Tensor< T >, 0 >
using TensorScalar = Eigen::Tensor< Real, 0, Eigen::RowMajor >
using Tensor1D = Eigen::Tensor< Real, 1, Eigen::RowMajor >
using Tensor2D = Eigen::Tensor< Real, 2, Eigen::RowMajor >
using Tensor3D = Eigen::Tensor< Real, 3, Eigen::RowMajor >
typedef Position Direction


enum  DebuggingModule {
  EAlgorithm = 1 << 0 , EConnectors = 1 << 1 , EFactory = 1 << 2 , ENetwork = 1 << 3 ,
  EGraph = 1 << 4 , EExecution = 1 << 5 , EMemory = 1 << 6 , EScheduler = 1 << 7 ,
  EPython = 1 << 20 , EPyBindings = 1 << 21 , EUnittest = 1 << 22 , EUser1 = 1 << 25 ,
  EUser2 = 1 << 26 , ENone = 0 , EAll = (1 << 30) - 1


template<typename T >
bool compareByName (const T *a, const T *b)
const char * debugModuleDescription (DebuggingModule module)
void setDebugLevel (int levels)
void unsetDebugLevel (int levels)
void saveDebugLevels ()
void restoreDebugLevels ()
void scheduleDebug (DebuggingSchedule schedule, int nentries)
void scheduleDebug (const DebuggingScheduleVector &schedule)
void setDebugLevelForTimeIndex (int index)
void init ()
bool isInitialized ()
void shutdown ()
template<typename T >
bool isPowerTwo (T n)
template<typename T >
log2 (T x)
template<typename T >
int ilog10 (T n)
template<typename T >
nextPowerTwo (T n)
long long int nextPowerTwo (long long int n)
template<typename T >
norm (const std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
sumSquare (const std::vector< T > array)
template<typename T >
sum (const std::vector< T > &array, int start, int end)
template<typename T >
mean (const std::vector< T > &array, int start, int end)
template<typename T >
sum (const std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
mean (const std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
TNT::Array2D< T > meanMatrix (const std::vector< TNT::Array2D< T > * > &array)
template<typename T >
TNT::Array2D< T > meanMatrix (const std::vector< TNT::Array2D< T > > &array)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > meanFrames (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &frames, int beginIdx=0, int endIdx=-1)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > medianFrames (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &frames, int beginIdx=0, int endIdx=-1)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > varianceFrames (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &frames)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > sumFrames (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &frames)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > skewnessFrames (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &frames)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > kurtosisFrames (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &frames)
template<typename T >
median (const std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
void rectify (std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
energy (const std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
instantPower (const std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
bool isSilent (const std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
TNT::Array2D< T > varianceMatrix (const std::vector< TNT::Array2D< T > > &array, const TNT::Array2D< T > &mean)
template<typename T >
TNT::Array2D< T > varianceMatrix (const std::vector< TNT::Array2D< T > * > &array, const TNT::Array2D< T > &mean)
template<typename T >
variance (const std::vector< T > &array, const T mean)
template<typename T >
skewness (const std::vector< T > &array, const T mean)
template<typename T >
kurtosis (const std::vector< T > &array, const T mean)
template<typename T >
stddev (const std::vector< T > &array, const T mean)
template<typename T >
round (const T value)
Real lin2db (Real value)
Real lin2db (Real value, Real silenceCutoff, Real dbSilenceCutoff)
Real db2lin (Real value)
Real pow2db (Real power)
Real pow2db (Real power, Real silenceCutoff, Real dbSilenceCutoff)
Real db2pow (Real power)
Real amp2db (Real amplitude)
Real amp2db (Real amplitude, Real silenceCutoff, Real dbSilenceCutoff)
Real db2amp (Real amplitude)
Real linear (Real input)
Real lin2log (Real value)
Real lin2log (Real input, Real silenceCutoff, Real logSilenceCutoff)
Real hz2bark (Real f)
Real bark2hz (Real z)
Real barkCriticalBandwidth (Real z)
Real mel2hz (Real mel)
Real mel102hz (Real mel)
Real mel2hzSlaney (Real mel)
Real hz2mel (Real hz)
Real hz2mel10 (Real hz)
Real hz2melSlaney (Real hz)
Real hz2hz (Real hz)
Real cents2hz (Real cents, Real referenceFrequency)
Real hz2cents (Real hz, Real referenceFrequency)
int hz2midi (Real hz, Real tuningFrequency)
Real midi2hz (int midiNoteNumber, Real tuningFrequency)
std::string note2root (std::string note)
int note2octave (std::string note)
std::string midi2note (int midiNoteNumber)
int note2midi (std::string note)
std::string hz2note (Real hz, Real tuningFrequency)
int note2hz (std::string note, Real tuningFrequency)
int db2velocity (Real decibels, Real hearingThreshold)
Real velocity2db (int velocity, Real hearingThreshold)
int argmin (const std::vector< Real > &input)
int argmax (const std::vector< Real > &input)
template<typename T >
void normalize (std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
void normalizeAbs (std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
void normalizeAbs (std::vector< T > &array, T headroom)
template<typename T >
void normalizeSum (std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > derivative (const std::vector< T > &array)
template<typename T , typename U , typename Comparator >
void sortpair (std::vector< T > &v1, std::vector< U > &v2)
bool isDenormal (const float &x)
template<typename T >
fmod (T a, T b)
template<typename T >
princarg (T y)
template<typename T >
void hist (const T *array, uint n, int *n_array, T *x_array, uint n_bins)
template<typename T >
void bincount (const std::vector< T > &input, std::vector< T > &output)
template<typename T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > transpose (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &m)
template<typename T >
TNT::Array2D< T > transpose (const TNT::Array2D< T > &m)
std::string equivalentKey (const std::string key)
template<typename T >
void rotateChroma (std::vector< std::vector< T > > &inputMatrix, int oti)
template<typename T >
dotProduct (const std::vector< T > &xArray, const std::vector< T > &yArray)
template<typename T >
percentile (const std::vector< T > &array, Real qpercentile)
template<typename T >
covariance (const std::vector< T > &x, const T xMean, const std::vector< T > &y, const T yMean)
template<typename T >
pearsonCorrelationCoefficient (const std::vector< T > &x, const std::vector< T > &y)
template<typename T >
void heavisideStepFunction (std::vector< std::vector< T > > &inputArray)
template<typename T >
std::vector< std::vector< T > > pairwiseDistance (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &m, const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &n)
template<typename T >
void tensorGeometricalInfo (const Tensor< T > &tensor, int &axis, std::array< Eigen::Index, 4 - 1 > &squeezeShape, std::array< Eigen::Index, 4 > &summarizerShape, std::array< Eigen::Index, 4 > &broadcastShape)
template<typename T >
mean (const Tensor< T > &tensor)
template<typename T >
Tensor< T > mean (const Tensor< T > &tensor, int axis)
template<typename T >
stddev (const Tensor< T > &tensor, const T mean)
template<typename T >
Tensor< T > stddev (const Tensor< T > &tensor, const Tensor< T > mean, int axis)
template<typename T >
tensorMin (const Tensor< T > &tensor)
template<typename T >
Tensor< T > tensorMin (const Tensor< T > &tensor, int axis)
template<typename T >
tensorMax (const Tensor< T > &tensor)
template<typename T >
Tensor< T > tensorMax (const Tensor< T > &tensor, int axis)
template<typename T >
roundToDecimal (T x, int decimal)
template<typename T , typename Array >
std::vector< T > arrayToVector (const Array &array)
template<typename T >
int indexOf (const std::vector< T > &v, const T &elem)
template<typename T >
bool contains (const std::vector< T > &v, const T &elem)
bool contains (const std::vector< std::string > &v, const char *str)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool contains (const std::map< T, U > &m, const T &key)
template<typename T >
bool contains (const OrderedMap< T > &m, const std::string &key)
template<typename T >
bool contains (const OrderedMap< T > &m, const char *key)
template<typename T >
bool isValid (const T &value)
template<typename T >
bool isValid (const Tuple2< T > &value)
bool isValid (const std::string &s)
template<typename T >
bool isValid (const std::vector< T > &v)
template<typename T >
bool isValid (const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &mat)
template<typename T >
bool isValid (const TNT::Array2D< T > &mat)
template<typename T >
bool isValid (const Tensor< T > &tensor)
template<typename T >
void fastcopy (T *dest, const T *src, int n)
void fastcopy< Real > (Real *dest, const Real *src, int n)
void fastcopy< StereoSample > (StereoSample *dest, const StereoSample *src, int n)
void fastcopy< int > (int *dest, const int *src, int n)
void fastcopy (std::vector< Real >::iterator dest, std::vector< Real >::const_iterator src, int n)
void fastcopy (std::vector< StereoSample >::iterator dest, std::vector< StereoSample >::const_iterator src, int n)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Parameter &p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ParameterMap &m)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Parameter::ParamType &t)
template<typename T , typename U >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::pair< T, U > &p)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< T > &v)
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const std::set< T > &v)
std::string toLower (const std::string &str)
std::string toUpper (const std::string &str)
std::vector< std::string > tokenize (const std::string &str, const std::string &delimiters, bool trimEmpty=false)
std::string strip (const std::string &str)
std::string pad (int n, int size, char paddingChar=' ', bool leftPadded=false)
std::string pad (const std::string &str, int size, char paddingChar=' ', bool leftPadded=false)
bool case_insensitive_char_cmp (char a, char b)
bool sameType (const std::type_info &t1, const std::type_info &t2)
std::string nameOfType (const std::type_info &type)
std::string nameOfType (const TypeProxy &tproxy)
bool sameType (const TypeProxy &lhs, const TypeProxy &rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Position &pos)
std::vector< std::string > makeRectangle (const std::string &network)
std::vector< std::string > makeRectangle (const char *const *network, int size)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const AsciiCanvas &canvas)
bool isBigEndian ()
template<typename T >
void removeEndianness (T &x)
template<typename T >
void bewrite (std::ofstream &out, const T &value)
void bewrite (std::ofstream &out, const std::string &str)
void bewrite (std::ofstream &out, const std::vector< std::string > &v)
template<typename T >
void beread (std::ifstream &in, T &value)
void beread (std::ifstream &in, std::string &str)
void beread (std::ifstream &in, std::vector< std::string > &v)
Real lagToBpm (Real lag, Real sampleRate, Real hopSize)
Real bpmToLag (Real bpm, Real sampleRate, Real hopSize)
int longestChain (const std::vector< Real > &dticks, int startpos, Real period, Real tolerance)
void bpmDistance (Real x, Real y, Real &error, Real &ratio)
bool areEqual (Real a, Real b, Real tolerance)
bool areHarmonics (Real x, Real y, Real epsilon, bool bPower2)
Real greatestCommonDivisor (Real x, Real y, Real epsilon)
std::vector< RealroundBpms (const std::vector< Real > &bpms)
std::vector< RealpostProcessTicks (const std::vector< Real > &origticks)
std::vector< RealpostProcessTicks (const std::vector< Real > &origticks, const std::vector< Real > &ticksAmplitudes, const Real &preferredPeriod)
void pcmMetadata (const std::string &filename, int &sr, int &ch, int &bitrate)
void outputYAMLArray (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< Real > &v)
void outputYAMLMatrix (std::ostream &out, const std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &v)
void scaleAudioVector (std::vector< Real > &buffer, const Real scale)
void cleaningSineTracks (std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &freqsTotal, const int minFrames)
void genSpecSines (std::vector< Real > iploc, std::vector< Real > ipmag, std::vector< Real > ipphase, std::vector< std::complex< Real > > &outfft, const int fftSize)
void initializeFFT (std::vector< std::complex< Real > > &fft, int sizeFFT)
template<typename T >
TNT::Array2D< T > & operator/= (TNT::Array2D< T > &A, const T &k)
template<typename T >
TNT::Array2D< T > operator/ (const TNT::Array2D< T > &A, const T &k)
template<typename T >
TNT::Array2D< T > & matinit (TNT::Array2D< T > &A)
TNT::Array2D< RealvecvecToArray2D (const std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &v)
std::vector< std::vector< Real > > array2DToVecvec (const TNT::Array2D< Real > &v2D)
YamlNodeparseYaml (FILE *, const std::string &fileString=std::string())


int activatedDebugLevels
bool infoLevelActive
bool warningLevelActive
bool errorLevelActive
int debugIndentLevel
Logger loggerInstance
const char * version
const char * version_git_sha

Typedef Documentation

◆ AudioSample

typedef Real AudioSample

Type used to represent a mono audio sample.

◆ DebuggingSchedule

typedef int DebuggingSchedule[][3]

◆ DebuggingScheduleVector

typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<int, int>, int> > DebuggingScheduleVector

◆ DescriptionMap

typedef EssentiaMap<std::string, std::string, string_cmp> DescriptionMap

Type of map used for storing the description of the various fields.

◆ DescriptorName

typedef std::string DescriptorName

◆ Direction

Represents a direction when moving in an integer 2D plane

◆ ReaderID

typedef int ReaderID

typedef used for identifying sinks for a given source.

◆ Real

typedef float Real

The main typedef for real numbers.

◆ StereoSample

Type used to represent a stereo sample.

◆ Tensor

using Tensor = Eigen::Tensor<T, 4 , Eigen::RowMajor>

Alias for Eigen::Tensor. Store data in a rowMajor fashion to fit Tensorflow's behavior.

◆ Tensor1D

using Tensor1D = Eigen::Tensor<Real, 1, Eigen::RowMajor>

Alias for a 1-dimensional Eigen::Tensor.

◆ Tensor2D

using Tensor2D = Eigen::Tensor<Real, 2, Eigen::RowMajor>

Alias for a 2-dimensional Eigen::Tensor.

◆ Tensor3D

using Tensor3D = Eigen::Tensor<Real, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>

Alias for a 3-dimensional Eigen::Tensor.

◆ TensorMap

using TensorMap = Eigen::TensorMap<Tensor<T>, 0>

Alias for Eigen::TensorMap.

◆ TensorScalar

using TensorScalar = Eigen::Tensor<Real, 0, Eigen::RowMajor>

Alias for a 0-dimensional Eigen::Tensor.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DebuggingModule


Function Documentation

◆ amp2db() [1/2]

Real essentia::amp2db ( Real  amplitude)

References lin2db().

◆ amp2db() [2/2]

Real essentia::amp2db ( Real  amplitude,
Real  silenceCutoff,
Real  dbSilenceCutoff 

References lin2db().

◆ areEqual()

bool essentia::areEqual ( Real  a,
Real  b,
Real  tolerance 

References bpmDistance().

◆ areHarmonics()

bool essentia::areHarmonics ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  epsilon,
bool  bPower2 

References bpmDistance(), and isPowerTwo().

◆ argmax()

int essentia::argmax ( const std::vector< Real > &  input)

Referenced by bincount(), and postProcessTicks().

◆ argmin()

int essentia::argmin ( const std::vector< Real > &  input)

◆ array2DToVecvec()

std::vector<std::vector<Real> > essentia::array2DToVecvec ( const TNT::Array2D< Real > &  v2D)

◆ arrayToVector()

std::vector<T> essentia::arrayToVector ( const Array &  array)

Utility function that converts a C-style array into a C++ std::vector.

References ARRAY_SIZE.

◆ bark2hz()

Real essentia::bark2hz ( Real  z)

Converts a Bark value into its corresponding frequency. This formula is deduced from: H. Traunmüller (1990) "Analytical expressions for the tonotopic sensory scale" J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88: 97-100. and has been independently verified to be the one that best matches the band frequencies defined by Zwicker in 1961.

zthe critical band rate, in Bark

◆ barkCriticalBandwidth()

Real essentia::barkCriticalBandwidth ( Real  z)

◆ beread() [1/3]

void essentia::beread ( std::ifstream &  in,
std::string &  str 

References beread().

◆ beread() [2/3]

void essentia::beread ( std::ifstream &  in,
std::vector< std::string > &  v 

References beread().

◆ beread() [3/3]

void essentia::beread ( std::ifstream &  in,
T &  value 

References removeEndianness().

Referenced by beread().

◆ bewrite() [1/3]

void essentia::bewrite ( std::ofstream &  out,
const std::string &  str 

References bewrite().

◆ bewrite() [2/3]

void essentia::bewrite ( std::ofstream &  out,
const std::vector< std::string > &  v 

References bewrite().

◆ bewrite() [3/3]

void essentia::bewrite ( std::ofstream &  out,
const T &  value 

References removeEndianness().

Referenced by bewrite().

◆ bincount()

void essentia::bincount ( const std::vector< T > &  input,
std::vector< T > &  output 

returns in output the number of occurence of each value in the input vector

References argmax().

◆ bpmDistance()

void essentia::bpmDistance ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Real error,
Real ratio 

References round().

Referenced by areEqual(), areHarmonics(), and greatestCommonDivisor().

◆ bpmToLag()

Real essentia::bpmToLag ( Real  bpm,
Real  sampleRate,
Real  hopSize 

References lagToBpm().

◆ case_insensitive_char_cmp()

bool essentia::case_insensitive_char_cmp ( char  a,
char  b 

Case-insensitive compare function for characters.

Referenced by case_insensitive_str_cmp::operator()().

◆ cents2hz()

Real essentia::cents2hz ( Real  cents,
Real  referenceFrequency 

◆ cleaningSineTracks()

void essentia::cleaningSineTracks ( std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &  freqsTotal,
const int  minFrames 

◆ compareByName()

bool essentia::compareByName ( const T *  a,
const T *  b 

◆ contains() [1/5]

bool essentia::contains ( const OrderedMap< T > &  m,
const char *  key 

References contains().

◆ contains() [2/5]

bool essentia::contains ( const OrderedMap< T > &  m,
const std::string &  key 

◆ contains() [3/5]

bool essentia::contains ( const std::map< T, U > &  m,
const T &  key 

Utility function to test whether a key is in a map.

◆ contains() [4/5]

bool essentia::contains ( const std::vector< std::string > &  v,
const char *  str 

References contains().

◆ contains() [5/5]

bool essentia::contains ( const std::vector< T > &  v,
const T &  elem 

Returns whether a vector of a certain type contains an element or not. Comparison is done using the '==' operator, so you can even use it for your own types if you overload this operator.

References indexOf().

Referenced by NetworkNode::addChild(), and contains().

◆ covariance()

T essentia::covariance ( const std::vector< T > &  x,
const T  xMean,
const std::vector< T > &  y,
const T  yMean 

Sample covariance

Referenced by pearsonCorrelationCoefficient().

◆ db2amp()

Real essentia::db2amp ( Real  amplitude)

References db2lin().

◆ db2lin()

Real essentia::db2lin ( Real  value)

Referenced by db2amp(), and db2pow().

◆ db2pow()

Real essentia::db2pow ( Real  power)

References db2lin().

◆ db2velocity()

int essentia::db2velocity ( Real  decibels,
Real  hearingThreshold 

◆ debugModuleDescription()

const char* essentia::debugModuleDescription ( DebuggingModule  module)

◆ derivative()

std::vector<T> essentia::derivative ( const std::vector< T > &  array)

◆ dotProduct()

T essentia::dotProduct ( const std::vector< T > &  xArray,
const std::vector< T > &  yArray 

returns the dot product of two 1D vectors. Throws an exception either one of the input arrays are empty.

Referenced by pairwiseDistance().

◆ energy()

T essentia::energy ( const std::vector< T > &  array)

Referenced by instantPower().

◆ equivalentKey()

std::string essentia::equivalentKey ( const std::string  key)

◆ fastcopy() [1/3]

void essentia::fastcopy ( std::vector< Real >::iterator  dest,
std::vector< Real >::const_iterator  src,
int  n 

References fastcopy().

◆ fastcopy() [2/3]

void essentia::fastcopy ( std::vector< StereoSample >::iterator  dest,
std::vector< StereoSample >::const_iterator  src,
int  n 

References fastcopy().

◆ fastcopy() [3/3]

void essentia::fastcopy ( T *  dest,
const T *  src,
int  n 

This function, which has the same interface as memcpy, performs either memcpy (fast) for basic types, or does a simple copy element by element (for strings, for instance).

Referenced by fastcopy(), Copy< TokenType >::process(), VectorInput< TokenType, acquireSize >::process(), VectorOutput< TokenType, StorageType >::process(), and PhantomBuffer< T >::releaseForWrite().

◆ fastcopy< int >()

void essentia::fastcopy< int > ( int *  dest,
const int *  src,
int  n 

◆ fastcopy< Real >()

void essentia::fastcopy< Real > ( Real dest,
const Real src,
int  n 

◆ fastcopy< StereoSample >()

void essentia::fastcopy< StereoSample > ( StereoSample dest,
const StereoSample src,
int  n 

◆ fmod()

T essentia::fmod ( a,

Referenced by princarg().

◆ genSpecSines()

void essentia::genSpecSines ( std::vector< Real iploc,
std::vector< Real ipmag,
std::vector< Real ipphase,
std::vector< std::complex< Real > > &  outfft,
const int  fftSize 

◆ greatestCommonDivisor()

Real essentia::greatestCommonDivisor ( Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  epsilon 

References bpmDistance().

Referenced by roundBpms().

◆ heavisideStepFunction()

void essentia::heavisideStepFunction ( std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  inputArray)

Apply heaviside step function to an input m X n dimentional vector. f(x) = if x<0: x=0; if x>=0: x=1 Throws an exception if the input array is empty. returns a 2D binary vector of m X n shape

◆ hist()

void essentia::hist ( const T *  array,
uint  n,
int *  n_array,
T *  x_array,
uint  n_bins 

Given a set of values, computes the associated histogram. This method is designed to work the same way as in Matlab/Octave. It is based on the algorithms used in Octave rather than Matlab. The result structures (n_arr, x_arr) have to be allocated before calling this function.

arraythe input array, containing the data values
nthe number of elements of this array
n_arraythe array where the distribution will be written
x_arraythe array that will contain the centers of each bin
n_binsthe number of desired bins for the distribution

Referenced by postProcessTicks().

◆ hz2bark()

Real essentia::hz2bark ( Real  f)

Converts a given frequency into its Bark value. This formula is taken from: H. Traunmüller (1990) "Analytical expressions for the tonotopic sensory scale" J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88: 97-100. and has been independently verified to be the one that best matches the band frequencies defined by Zwicker in 1961.

fthe input frequency, in Hz

◆ hz2cents()

Real essentia::hz2cents ( Real  hz,
Real  referenceFrequency 

References log2().

◆ hz2hz()

Real essentia::hz2hz ( Real  hz)

◆ hz2mel()

Real essentia::hz2mel ( Real  hz)

◆ hz2mel10()

Real essentia::hz2mel10 ( Real  hz)

◆ hz2melSlaney()

Real essentia::hz2melSlaney ( Real  hz)

◆ hz2midi()

int essentia::hz2midi ( Real  hz,
Real  tuningFrequency 

References log2(), and round().

Referenced by hz2note().

◆ hz2note()

std::string essentia::hz2note ( Real  hz,
Real  tuningFrequency 

References hz2midi(), and midi2note().

◆ ilog10()

int essentia::ilog10 ( n)

◆ indexOf()

int essentia::indexOf ( const std::vector< T > &  v,
const T &  elem 

Return the index of the given element inside the vector. If elem was not found in v, return -1.

Referenced by contains().

◆ init()

void essentia::init ( )

This function registers the algorithms in the factory, so that they are ready for use. It also builds a list of available types and their "human-readable" representations. You need to call this function before doing anything with essentia.

◆ initializeFFT()

void essentia::initializeFFT ( std::vector< std::complex< Real > > &  fft,
int  sizeFFT 

◆ instantPower()

T essentia::instantPower ( const std::vector< T > &  array)

References energy().

Referenced by isSilent().

◆ isBigEndian()

bool essentia::isBigEndian ( )

Referenced by removeEndianness().

◆ isDenormal()

bool essentia::isDenormal ( const float &  x)

◆ isInitialized()

bool essentia::isInitialized ( )

◆ isPowerTwo()

bool essentia::isPowerTwo ( n)

Referenced by areHarmonics().

◆ isSilent()

bool essentia::isSilent ( const std::vector< T > &  array)

References instantPower(), and SILENCE_CUTOFF.

◆ isValid() [1/7]

bool essentia::isValid ( const std::string &  s)

◆ isValid() [2/7]

bool essentia::isValid ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  mat)

References isValid().

◆ isValid() [3/7]

bool essentia::isValid ( const std::vector< T > &  v)

References isValid().

◆ isValid() [4/7]

bool essentia::isValid ( const T &  value)

Return whether a value is valid or not, ie: is not Inf nor NaN.

Referenced by isValid().

◆ isValid() [5/7]

bool essentia::isValid ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor)

References isValid().

◆ isValid() [6/7]

bool essentia::isValid ( const TNT::Array2D< T > &  mat)

◆ isValid() [7/7]

bool essentia::isValid ( const Tuple2< T > &  value)

◆ kurtosis()

T essentia::kurtosis ( const std::vector< T > &  array,
const T  mean 

References mean().

◆ kurtosisFrames()

std::vector<T> essentia::kurtosisFrames ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  frames)

References meanFrames().

◆ lagToBpm()

Real essentia::lagToBpm ( Real  lag,
Real  sampleRate,
Real  hopSize 

Referenced by bpmToLag().

◆ lin2db() [1/2]

Real essentia::lin2db ( Real  value)


Referenced by amp2db(), and pow2db().

◆ lin2db() [2/2]

Real essentia::lin2db ( Real  value,
Real  silenceCutoff,
Real  dbSilenceCutoff 

◆ lin2log() [1/2]

Real essentia::lin2log ( Real  input,
Real  silenceCutoff,
Real  logSilenceCutoff 

◆ lin2log() [2/2]

Real essentia::lin2log ( Real  value)

◆ linear()

Real essentia::linear ( Real  input)

◆ log2()

T essentia::log2 ( x)

Referenced by hz2cents(), and hz2midi().

◆ longestChain()

int essentia::longestChain ( const std::vector< Real > &  dticks,
int  startpos,
Real  period,
Real  tolerance 

Referenced by postProcessTicks().

◆ makeRectangle() [1/2]

std::vector<std::string> essentia::makeRectangle ( const char *const *  network,
int  size 

Take an array of C strings representing the network in ASCII art form and turn it into a rectangle, which is a vector of string rows where each row has the same length. This will allow us to navigate in it with rect[x][y], for instance.

◆ makeRectangle() [2/2]

std::vector<std::string> essentia::makeRectangle ( const std::string &  network)

Take a string representing the network in ASCII art form and turn it into a rectangle, which is a vector of string rows where each row has the same length. This will allow us to navigate in it with rect[x][y], for instance.

Referenced by AsciiCanvas::AsciiCanvas().

◆ matinit()

TNT::Array2D<T>& essentia::matinit ( TNT::Array2D< T > &  A)

◆ mean() [1/4]

T essentia::mean ( const std::vector< T > &  array)

returns the mean of an array.

References mean().

◆ mean() [2/4]

T essentia::mean ( const std::vector< T > &  array,
int  start,
int  end 

returns the mean of an array, unrolled version.

References sum().

Referenced by kurtosis(), mean(), meanMatrix(), pearsonCorrelationCoefficient(), postProcessTicks(), MTRand::randNorm(), skewness(), stddev(), variance(), and varianceMatrix().

◆ mean() [3/4]

T essentia::mean ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor)

Returns the mean of a tensor.

◆ mean() [4/4]

Tensor<T> essentia::mean ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor,
int  axis 

Returns the mean of a tensor along the given axis.

References tensorGeometricalInfo(), and TENSORRANK.

◆ meanFrames()

std::vector<T> essentia::meanFrames ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  frames,
int  beginIdx = 0,
int  endIdx = -1 

◆ meanMatrix() [1/2]

TNT::Array2D<T> essentia::meanMatrix ( const std::vector< TNT::Array2D< T > * > &  array)

returns the mean of an array of TNT::Array2D*

References matinit(), and mean().

◆ meanMatrix() [2/2]

TNT::Array2D<T> essentia::meanMatrix ( const std::vector< TNT::Array2D< T > > &  array)

returns the mean of an array of TNT::Array2D

References matinit(), and mean().

◆ median()

T essentia::median ( const std::vector< T > &  array)

◆ medianFrames()

std::vector<T> essentia::medianFrames ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  frames,
int  beginIdx = 0,
int  endIdx = -1 

◆ mel102hz()

Real essentia::mel102hz ( Real  mel)

◆ mel2hz()

Real essentia::mel2hz ( Real  mel)

◆ mel2hzSlaney()

Real essentia::mel2hzSlaney ( Real  mel)

◆ midi2hz()

Real essentia::midi2hz ( int  midiNoteNumber,
Real  tuningFrequency 

Referenced by note2hz().

◆ midi2note()

std::string essentia::midi2note ( int  midiNoteNumber)

References ALL_NOTES.

Referenced by hz2note().

◆ nameOfType() [1/2]

std::string essentia::nameOfType ( const std::type_info &  type)

◆ nameOfType() [2/2]

std::string essentia::nameOfType ( const TypeProxy tproxy)

Commodity function to return the name of the type used in a TypeProxy.

References nameOfType(), and TypeProxy::typeInfo().

◆ nextPowerTwo() [1/2]

long long int essentia::nextPowerTwo ( long long int  n)

◆ nextPowerTwo() [2/2]

T essentia::nextPowerTwo ( n)

Return the next power of two after the given number n. If n is already a power of two, return n.

◆ norm()

T essentia::norm ( const std::vector< T > &  array)

Returns the L2-norm of an array

References sum().

Referenced by Eigenvalue< Real >::hqr2().

◆ normalize()

void essentia::normalize ( std::vector< T > &  array)

◆ normalizeAbs() [1/2]

void essentia::normalizeAbs ( std::vector< T > &  array)

References rectify().

◆ normalizeAbs() [2/2]

void essentia::normalizeAbs ( std::vector< T > &  array,

References rectify().

◆ normalizeSum()

void essentia::normalizeSum ( std::vector< T > &  array)

◆ note2hz()

int essentia::note2hz ( std::string  note,
Real  tuningFrequency 

References midi2hz(), and note2midi().

◆ note2midi()

int essentia::note2midi ( std::string  note)

References ALL_NOTES, note2octave(), and note2root().

Referenced by note2hz().

◆ note2octave()

int essentia::note2octave ( std::string  note)

Referenced by note2midi().

◆ note2root()

std::string essentia::note2root ( std::string  note)

Referenced by note2midi().

◆ operator/()

TNT::Array2D<T> essentia::operator/ ( const TNT::Array2D< T > &  A,
const T &  k 

◆ operator/=()

TNT::Array2D<T>& essentia::operator/= ( TNT::Array2D< T > &  A,
const T &  k 

◆ operator<<() [1/8]

std::ostream& essentia::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const AsciiCanvas canvas 

◆ operator<<() [2/8]

std::ostream& essentia::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Parameter p 

◆ operator<<() [3/8]

std::ostream& essentia::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Parameter::ParamType t 

◆ operator<<() [4/8]

std::ostream& essentia::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const ParameterMap m 

◆ operator<<() [5/8]

std::ostream& essentia::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Position pos 

References Position::x, and Position::y.

◆ operator<<() [6/8]

std::ostream& essentia::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::pair< T, U > &  p 

Output a std::complex into an output stream. Output a std::pair into an output stream.

◆ operator<<() [7/8]

std::ostream& essentia::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::set< T > &  v 

Output a std::set into an output stream.

◆ operator<<() [8/8]

std::ostream& essentia::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::vector< T > &  v 

Output a std::vector into an output stream.

◆ outputYAMLArray()

void essentia::outputYAMLArray ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::vector< Real > &  v 

◆ outputYAMLMatrix()

void essentia::outputYAMLMatrix ( std::ostream &  out,
const std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &  v 

◆ pad() [1/2]

std::string essentia::pad ( const std::string &  str,
int  size,
char  paddingChar = ' ',
bool  leftPadded = false 

◆ pad() [2/2]

std::string essentia::pad ( int  n,
int  size,
char  paddingChar = ' ',
bool  leftPadded = false 

◆ pairwiseDistance()

std::vector<std::vector<T> > essentia::pairwiseDistance ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  m,
const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  n 

Pairwise euclidean distances between two 2D vectors. Throws an exception if the input array is empty. Returns a (m.shape[0], n.shape[0]) dimentional vector where m and n are the two input arrays TODO: [add other distance metrics beside euclidean such as cosine, mahanalobis etc as a configurable parameter]

References dotProduct().

◆ parseYaml()

YamlNode* essentia::parseYaml ( FILE *  ,
const std::string &  fileString = std::string() 

◆ pcmMetadata()

void essentia::pcmMetadata ( const std::string &  filename,
int &  sr,
int &  ch,
int &  bitrate 

◆ pearsonCorrelationCoefficient()

T essentia::pearsonCorrelationCoefficient ( const std::vector< T > &  x,
const std::vector< T > &  y 

Returns the sample Pearson correlation coefficient of a pair of vectors as described in,

References covariance(), mean(), and stddev().

◆ percentile()

T essentia::percentile ( const std::vector< T > &  array,
Real  qpercentile 

returns the q-th percentile of an 1D input array (same as numpy percentile implementation).
Throws an exception if the input array is empty.

◆ postProcessTicks() [1/2]

std::vector<Real> essentia::postProcessTicks ( const std::vector< Real > &  origticks)

References hist(), longestChain(), and mean().

◆ postProcessTicks() [2/2]

std::vector<Real> essentia::postProcessTicks ( const std::vector< Real > &  origticks,
const std::vector< Real > &  ticksAmplitudes,
const Real preferredPeriod 

References argmax(), hist(), longestChain(), and mean().

◆ pow2db() [1/2]

Real essentia::pow2db ( Real  power)

References lin2db().

◆ pow2db() [2/2]

Real essentia::pow2db ( Real  power,
Real  silenceCutoff,
Real  dbSilenceCutoff 

References lin2db().

◆ princarg()

T essentia::princarg ( y)

References fmod(), and M_2PI.

◆ rectify()

void essentia::rectify ( std::vector< T > &  array)

Referenced by normalizeAbs().

◆ removeEndianness()

void essentia::removeEndianness ( T &  x)

References isBigEndian().

Referenced by beread(), and bewrite().

◆ restoreDebugLevels()

void essentia::restoreDebugLevels ( )

◆ rotateChroma()

void essentia::rotateChroma ( std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  inputMatrix,
int  oti 

Circularly rotate an input chromagram by an specified optimal transposition index (oti). Expects input chromagram to be in the shape (frames , n_bins) where frames is no of frames and n_bins is no of chroma bins. Throws an exception if the input chromagram is empty.

◆ round()

T essentia::round ( const T  value)

◆ roundBpms()

std::vector<Real> essentia::roundBpms ( const std::vector< Real > &  bpms)

References greatestCommonDivisor(), and round().

◆ roundToDecimal()

T essentia::roundToDecimal ( x,
int  decimal 

Rounds x up to the desired decimal place.

References round().

◆ sameType() [1/2]

bool essentia::sameType ( const std::type_info &  t1,
const std::type_info &  t2 

Return true if the two given types are the same.

Referenced by TypeProxy::checkType(), and sameType().

◆ sameType() [2/2]

bool essentia::sameType ( const TypeProxy lhs,
const TypeProxy rhs 

Commodity function to compare two TypeProxy using their respective type.

References sameType(), and TypeProxy::typeInfo().

◆ saveDebugLevels()

void essentia::saveDebugLevels ( )

◆ scaleAudioVector()

void essentia::scaleAudioVector ( std::vector< Real > &  buffer,
const Real  scale 

◆ scheduleDebug() [1/2]

void essentia::scheduleDebug ( const DebuggingScheduleVector schedule)

◆ scheduleDebug() [2/2]

void essentia::scheduleDebug ( DebuggingSchedule  schedule,
int  nentries 

the given schedule variable is a vector of pair of ints representing the range of indices for which to activate the given debugging module.


DebuggingSchedule s = { {0, INT_MAX, EAlgorithm}, // always active {500, INT_MAX, ENetwork | EMemory}, // from time index 500 until the end {782, 782, EScheduler}; // only for time index 782 scheduleDebug(s, ARRAY_SIZE(s));

◆ setDebugLevel()

void essentia::setDebugLevel ( int  levels)

◆ setDebugLevelForTimeIndex()

void essentia::setDebugLevelForTimeIndex ( int  index)

Set the debugging modules for the given time index as specified by the scheduleDebug() function call.

◆ shutdown()

void essentia::shutdown ( )

◆ skewness()

T essentia::skewness ( const std::vector< T > &  array,
const T  mean 

References mean().

◆ skewnessFrames()

std::vector<T> essentia::skewnessFrames ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  frames)

References meanFrames().

◆ sortpair()

void essentia::sortpair ( std::vector< T > &  v1,
std::vector< U > &  v2 

◆ stddev() [1/3]

T essentia::stddev ( const std::vector< T > &  array,
const T  mean 

References mean(), and variance().

Referenced by pearsonCorrelationCoefficient().

◆ stddev() [2/3]

T essentia::stddev ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor,
const T  mean 

Returns the standard deviation of a tensor.

References mean().

◆ stddev() [3/3]

Tensor<T> essentia::stddev ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor,
const Tensor< T >  mean,
int  axis 

Returns the standard deviation of a tensor along the given axis.

References mean(), tensorGeometricalInfo(), and TENSORRANK.

◆ strip()

std::string essentia::strip ( const std::string &  str)

Strip the given string of its leading and trailing whitespace characters.

◆ sum() [1/2]

T essentia::sum ( const std::vector< T > &  array)

returns the sum of an array.

References sum().

◆ sum() [2/2]

T essentia::sum ( const std::vector< T > &  array,
int  start,
int  end 

returns the sum of an array, unrolled version.

Referenced by TNT::dot_prod(), TNT::matmult(), mean(), norm(), sum(), and sumSquare().

◆ sumFrames()

std::vector<T> essentia::sumFrames ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  frames)

◆ sumSquare()

T essentia::sumSquare ( const std::vector< T >  array)

Returns the sum of squared values of an array

References sum().

◆ tensorGeometricalInfo()

void essentia::tensorGeometricalInfo ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor,
int &  axis,
std::array< Eigen::Index, 4 - 1 > &  squeezeShape,
std::array< Eigen::Index, 4 > &  summarizerShape,
std::array< Eigen::Index, 4 > &  broadcastShape 

Sets squeezeShape, summarizerShape, broadcastShape to perform operations on a Tensor with the shape of tensor along the axis dimension.

References TENSORRANK.

Referenced by mean(), stddev(), tensorMax(), and tensorMin().

◆ tensorMax() [1/2]

T essentia::tensorMax ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor)

Returns the maximum of a tensor.

◆ tensorMax() [2/2]

Tensor<T> essentia::tensorMax ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor,
int  axis 

Returns the maximum of a tensor along the given axis.

References tensorGeometricalInfo(), and TENSORRANK.

◆ tensorMin() [1/2]

T essentia::tensorMin ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor)

Returns the minimum of a tensor.

◆ tensorMin() [2/2]

Tensor<T> essentia::tensorMin ( const Tensor< T > &  tensor,
int  axis 

Returns the minimum of a tensor along the given axis.

References tensorGeometricalInfo(), and TENSORRANK.

◆ tokenize()

std::vector<std::string> essentia::tokenize ( const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  delimiters,
bool  trimEmpty = false 

Return a string split whenever there is a char contained in the given delimiters argument.

◆ toLower()

std::string essentia::toLower ( const std::string &  str)

Return a new string with the characters of str in lower-case.

◆ toUpper()

std::string essentia::toUpper ( const std::string &  str)

Return a new string with the characters of str in upper-case.

◆ transpose() [1/2]

std::vector<std::vector<T> > essentia::transpose ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  m)

Transpose the given matrix. This function throws an exception if all the rows do not have the same size.

◆ transpose() [2/2]

TNT::Array2D<T> essentia::transpose ( const TNT::Array2D< T > &  m)

◆ unsetDebugLevel()

void essentia::unsetDebugLevel ( int  levels)

◆ variance()

T essentia::variance ( const std::vector< T > &  array,
const T  mean 

References mean().

Referenced by MTRand::randNorm(), stddev(), and varianceMatrix().

◆ varianceFrames()

std::vector<T> essentia::varianceFrames ( const std::vector< std::vector< T > > &  frames)

References meanFrames().

◆ varianceMatrix() [1/2]

TNT::Array2D<T> essentia::varianceMatrix ( const std::vector< TNT::Array2D< T > * > &  array,
const TNT::Array2D< T > &  mean 

References matinit(), mean(), and variance().

◆ varianceMatrix() [2/2]

TNT::Array2D<T> essentia::varianceMatrix ( const std::vector< TNT::Array2D< T > > &  array,
const TNT::Array2D< T > &  mean 

References matinit(), mean(), and variance().

◆ vecvecToArray2D()

TNT::Array2D<Real> essentia::vecvecToArray2D ( const std::vector< std::vector< Real > > &  v)

◆ velocity2db()

Real essentia::velocity2db ( int  velocity,
Real  hearingThreshold 

Variable Documentation

◆ activatedDebugLevels

int activatedDebugLevels

A bitmask representing which debug levels are currently activated.

◆ debugIndentLevel

int debugIndentLevel

An integer representing the indentation with which to print the debug messages

◆ errorLevelActive

bool errorLevelActive

◆ infoLevelActive

bool infoLevelActive

◆ loggerInstance

Logger loggerInstance

◆ version

const char* version

◆ version_git_sha

const char* version_git_sha

◆ warningLevelActive

bool warningLevelActive