Interpeak detection estrategiesΒΆ
this notebook demostrates some of the intersample detection technuques: throw resampling and throw parabolic interpolation. The accuracy of both methods can be tested on real time by shifting a sinc function from the sampling point and evaluating the error introduced by both systems
import ipywidgets as wg
import essentia.standard as es
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Parameters
duration = 10 # s
fs = 1 # hz
k = 1. # amplitude
oversamplingFactor = 4 # factor of oversampling for the real signal
nSamples = fs * duration
time = np.arange(-nSamples/2, nSamples/2,
2 ** -oversamplingFactor, dtype='float')
samplingPoints = time[::2 ** oversamplingFactor]
def shifted_sinc(x, k, offset):
xShifted = x - offset
y = np.zeros(len(xShifted))
for idx, i in enumerate(xShifted):
if not i:
y[idx] = k
y[idx] = (k * np.sin(np.pi * i) / (np.pi * i))
return y
def resampleStrategy(y, fs, quality=0, oversampling=4):
yResample = es.Resample(inputSampleRate=fs,
tResample = np.arange(np.min(samplingPoints), np.max(samplingPoints)
+ 1, 1. / (fs * oversampling))
tResample = tResample[:len(yResample)]
# getting the stimated peaks
yResMax = np.max(yResample)
tResMax = tResample[np.argmax(yResample)]
return yResample, tResample, yResMax, tResMax
def parabolicInterpolation(y, threshold=.6):
# todo plot the parabol maybe
positions, amplitudes = es.PeakDetection(threshold=threshold)\
pos = int(positions[0] * (len(y-1)))
a = y[pos - 1]
b = y[pos]
c = y[pos + 1]
tIntMax = samplingPoints[pos] + (a - c) / (2 * (a - 2 * b + c))
yIntMax = b - ((a - b) ** 2) / (8 * (a - 2 * b + c))
return tIntMax, yIntMax
def process():
## Processing
# "real" sinc
yReal = shifted_sinc(time, k, offset.value)
# sampled sinc
y = shifted_sinc(samplingPoints, k, offset.value)
# Resample strategy
yResample, tResample, yResMax, tResMax = \
resampleStrategy(y, fs, quality=0, oversampling=4)
# Parabolic Interpolation extrategy
tIntMax, yIntMax = parabolicInterpolation(y)
## Plotting
plt.title('Interpeak detection estrategies')
ax.plot(time, yReal, label='real signal')
yRealMax = np.max(yReal)
sampledLabel = 'sampled signal. Error:{:.3f}'\
.format(np.abs(np.max(y) - yRealMax))
ax.plot(samplingPoints, y, label=sampledLabel, ls='-.',
color='r', marker='x', markersize=6, alpha=.7)
ax.plot(tResample, yResample, ls='-.',
color='y', marker='x', alpha=.7)
resMaxLabel = 'Resample Peak. Error:{:.3f}'\
.format(np.abs(yResMax - yRealMax))
ax.plot(tResMax, yResMax, label= resMaxLabel,
color='y', marker = 'x', markersize=12)
intMaxLabel = 'Interpolation Peak. Error:{:.3f}'\
.format(np.abs(yIntMax - yRealMax))
ax.plot(tIntMax, yIntMax, label= intMaxLabel,
marker = 'x', markersize=12)
offset = wg.FloatSlider()
offset.max = 1
offset.min = -1
offset.step = .1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
def on_value_change(change):
offset.observe(on_value_change, names='value')
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