
streaming mode | Spectral category


  • spectrum (vector_real) - the audio spectrum


  • bands (vector_real) - the energy in bark bands


  • highFrequencyBound (real ∈ [0, ∞), default = 22050) :

    an upper-bound limit for the frequencies to be included in the bands

  • inputSize (integer ∈ (1, ∞), default = 1025) :

    the size of the spectrum

  • log (bool ∈ {true, false}, default = false) :

    compute log-energies (log2 (1 + energy))

  • lowFrequencyBound (real ∈ [0, ∞), default = 0) :

    a lower-bound limit for the frequencies to be included in the bands

  • normalize (string ∈ {unit_sum, unit_max}, default = unit_sum) :

    ‘unit_max’ makes the vertex of all the triangles equal to 1, ‘unit_sum’ makes the area of all the triangles equal to 1

  • numberBands (integer ∈ (1, ∞), default = 24) :

    the number of output bands

  • sampleRate (real ∈ (0, ∞), default = 44100) :

    the sample rate

  • type (string ∈ {magnitude, power}, default = power) :

    ‘power’ to output squared units, ‘magnitude’ to keep it as the input

  • weighting (string ∈ {warping, linear}, default = warping) :

    type of weighting function for determining triangle area


This algorithm computes energy in the bark bands of a spectrum. It is different to the regular BarkBands algorithm in that is more configurable so that it can be used in the BFCC algorithm to produce output similar to Rastamat ( See the BFCC algorithm documentation for more information as to why you might want to choose this over Mel frequency analysis It is recommended that the input “spectrum” be calculated by the Spectrum algorithm.

Source code

See also

BFCC (standard) BFCC (streaming) BarkBands (standard) BarkBands (streaming) Spectrum (standard) Spectrum (streaming) TriangularBarkBands (standard)