
streaming mode | Spectral category


  • frame (vector_real) - the audio frame


  • bands (vector_real) - the mel bands


This algorithm computes mel-bands specific to the input of TempoCNN-based models.


[1] Hendrik Schreiber, Meinard Müller, A Single-Step Approach to Musical Tempo Estimation Using a Convolutional Neural Network Proceedings of the 19th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Paris, France, Sept. 2018. [2] Hendrik Schreiber, Meinard Müller, Musical Tempo and Key Estimation using Convolutional Neural Networks with Directional Filters Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC), Málaga, Spain, 2019. [3] Original models and code at https://github.com/hendriks73/tempo-cnn [4] Supported models at https://essentia.upf.edu/models/

Source code

See also

Key (standard) Key (streaming) TempoCNN (standard) TempoCNN (streaming) TensorflowInputTempoCNN (standard)