
streaming mode | Rhythm category


  • frequencyBands (vector_real) - the frequency bands


  • novelty (real) - the novelty curve as a single vector


  • frameRate (real ∈ [1, ∞), default = 344.531) :

    the sampling rate of the input audio

  • normalize (bool ∈ {true, false}, default = false) :

    whether to normalize each band’s energy

  • weightCurve (vector_real, default = []) :

    vector containing the weights for each frequency band. Only if weightCurveType==supplied

  • weightCurveType (string ∈ {flat, triangle, inverse_triangle, parabola, inverse_parabola, linear, quadratic, inverse_quadratic, supplied}, default = inverse_quadratic) :

    the type of weighting to be used for the bands novelty


This algorithm computes the “novelty curve” (Grosche & Müller, 2009) onset detection function. The algorithm expects as an input a frame-wise sequence of frequency-bands energies or spectrum magnitudes as originally proposed in [1] (see FrequencyBands and Spectrum algorithms). Novelty in each band (or frequency bin) is computed as a derivative between log-compressed energy (magnitude) values in consequent frames. The overall novelty value is then computed as a weighted sum that can be configured using ‘weightCurve’ parameter. The resulting novelty curve can be used for beat tracking and onset detection (see BpmHistogram and Onsets).


  • Recommended frame/hop size for spectrum computation is 2048/1024 samples (44.1 kHz sampling rate) [2].

  • Log compression is applied with C=1000 as in [1].

  • Frequency bands energies (see FrequencyBands) as well as bin magnitudes for the whole spectrum can be used as an input. The implementation for the original algorithm [2] works with spectrum bin magnitudes for which novelty functions are computed separately and are then summarized into bands.

  • In the case if ‘weightCurve’ is set to ‘hybrid’ a complex combination of flat, quadratic, linear and inverse quadratic weight curves is used. It was reported to improve performance of beat tracking in some informal in-house experiments (Note: this information is probably outdated).


  1. Grosche, P. & Müller, M. (2009). A mid-level representation for capturing dominant tempo and pulse information in music recordings. International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2009).

  2. Tempogram Toolbox (Matlab implementation),

Source code

See also

BpmHistogram (standard) BpmHistogram (streaming) FrequencyBands (standard) FrequencyBands (streaming) Histogram (standard) Histogram (streaming) NoveltyCurve (standard) Onsets (standard) Onsets (streaming) Spectrum (standard) Spectrum (streaming)