streaming mode | Standard category


  • x (real) - the input coordinate (x-axis)


  • y (real) - the output coordinate (y-axis)


  • xPoints (vector_real, default = [0, 1]) :

    the x-coordinates of the points forming the break-point function (the points must be arranged in ascending order and cannot contain duplicates)

  • yPoints (vector_real, default = [0, 1]) :

    the y-coordinates of the points forming the break-point function


This algorithm implements a break point function which linearly interpolates between discrete xy-coordinates to construct a continuous function.

Exceptions are thrown when the size the vectors specified in parameters is not equal and at least they contain two elements. Also if the parameter vector for x-coordinates is not sorted ascendantly. A break point function cannot interpolate outside the range specified in parameter “xPoints”. In that case an exception is thrown.


[1] Linear interpolation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation

Source code

See also

BPF (standard)