
standard mode | Statistics category


  • observationProbabilities (vector_vector_real) - the observation probabilities

  • initialization (vector_real) - the initialization

  • fromIndex (vector_integer) - the transition matrix from index

  • toIndex (vector_integer) - the transition matrix to index

  • transitionProbabilities (vector_real) - the transition probabilities matrix


  • path (vector_integer) - the decoded path


This algorithm estimates the most-likely path by Viterbi algorithm. It is used in PitchYinProbabilistiesHMM algorithm.

This Viterbi algorithm returns the most likely path. The internal variable calculation uses double for a better precision.


[1] M. Mauch and S. Dixon, “pYIN: A Fundamental Frequency Estimator Using Probabilistic Threshold Distributions,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014)Project Report, 2004

Source code

See also

PitchYin (standard) PitchYin (streaming) Viterbi (streaming)