
standard mode | Tonal category


  • signal (vector_real) - the audio input signal


  • chords_changes_rate (real) - See ChordsDescriptors algorithm documentation

  • chords_histogram (vector_real) - See ChordsDescriptors algorithm documentation

  • chords_key (string) - See ChordsDescriptors algorithm documentation

  • chords_number_rate (real) - See ChordsDescriptors algorithm documentation

  • chords_progression (vector_string) - See ChordsDetection algorithm documentation

  • chords_scale (string) - See ChordsDetection algorithm documentation

  • chords_strength (vector_real) - See ChordsDetection algorithm documentation

  • hpcp (vector_vector_real) - See HPCP algorithm documentation

  • hpcp_highres (vector_vector_real) - See HPCP algorithm documentation

  • key_key (string) - See Key algorithm documentation

  • key_scale (string) - See Key algorithm documentation

  • key_strength (real) - See Key algorithm documentation


  • frameSize (integer ∈ (0, ∞), default = 4096) :

    the framesize for computing tonal features

  • hopSize (integer ∈ (0, ∞), default = 2048) :

    the hopsize for computing tonal features

  • tuningFrequency (real ∈ (0, ∞), default = 440) :

    the tuning frequency of the input signal


This algorithm computes tonal features for an audio signal

Source code

See also

TonalExtractor (streaming)