
standard mode | Music Similarity category


  • queryFeature (vector_vector_real) - input frame features of the query song (e.g., a chromagram)
  • referenceFeature (vector_vector_real) - input frame features of the reference song (e.g., a chromagram)


  • csm (vector_vector_real) - 2D cross-similarity matrix of two input frame sequences (query vs reference)


  • binarize (bool ∈ {true, false}, default = false) :
    whether to binarize the euclidean cross-similarity matrix
  • binarizePercentile (real ∈ [0, 1], default = 0.095) :
    maximum percent of distance values to consider as similar in each row and each column
  • frameStackSize (integer ∈ [0, ∞), default = 1) :
    number of input frames to stack together and treat as a feature vector for similarity computation. Choose 'frameStackSize=1' to use the original input frames without stacking
  • frameStackStride (integer ∈ [1, ∞), default = 1) :
    stride size to form a stack of frames (e.g., 'frameStackStride'=1 to use consecutive frames; 'frameStackStride'=2 for using every second frame)


This algorithm computes a euclidean cross-similarity matrix of two sequences of frame features. Similarity values can be optionally binarized

The default parameters for binarizing are optimized according to [1] for cover song identification using chroma features.

The input feature arrays are vectors of frames of features in the shape (n_frames, n_features), where 'n_frames' is the number frames, 'n_features' is the number of frame features.

An exception is also thrown if either one of the input feature arrays are empty or if the output similarity matrix is empty.


[1] Serra, J., Serra, X., & Andrzejak, R. G. (2009). Cross recurrence quantification for cover song identification. New Journal of Physics.

Standard algorithms

AfterMaxToBeforeMaxEnergyRatio | AllPass | AudioLoader | AudioOnsetsMarker | AudioWriter | AutoCorrelation | BFCC | BPF | BandPass | BandReject | BarkBands | BeatTrackerDegara | BeatTrackerMultiFeature | Beatogram | BeatsLoudness | BinaryOperator | BinaryOperatorStream | BpmHistogram | BpmHistogramDescriptors | BpmRubato | CartesianToPolar | CentralMoments | Centroid | ChordsDescriptors | ChordsDetection | ChordsDetectionBeats | ChromaCrossSimilarity | Chromagram | Chromaprinter | ClickDetector | Clipper | ConstantQ | CoverSongSimilarity | Crest | CrossCorrelation | CrossSimilarityMatrix | CubicSpline | DCRemoval | DCT | Danceability | Decrease | Derivative | DerivativeSFX | DiscontinuityDetector | Dissonance | DistributionShape | Duration | DynamicComplexity | ERBBands | EasyLoader | EffectiveDuration | Energy | EnergyBand | EnergyBandRatio | Entropy | Envelope | EqloudLoader | EqualLoudness | Extractor | FFT | FFTC | FadeDetection | FalseStereoDetector | Flatness | FlatnessDB | FlatnessSFX | Flux | FrameCutter | FrameGenerator | FrameToReal | FreesoundExtractor | FrequencyBands | GFCC | GaiaTransform | GapsDetector | GeometricMean | HFC | HPCP | HarmonicBpm | HarmonicMask | HarmonicModelAnal | HarmonicPeaks | HighPass | HighResolutionFeatures | Histogram | HprModelAnal | HpsModelAnal | HumDetector | IDCT | IFFT | IFFTC | IIR | Inharmonicity | InstantPower | Intensity | Key | KeyExtractor | LPC | Larm | Leq | LevelExtractor | LogAttackTime | LogSpectrum | LoopBpmConfidence | LoopBpmEstimator | Loudness | LoudnessEBUR128 | LoudnessVickers | LowLevelSpectralEqloudExtractor | LowLevelSpectralExtractor | LowPass | MFCC | Magnitude | MaxFilter | MaxMagFreq | MaxToTotal | Mean | Median | MedianFilter | MelBands | MetadataReader | Meter | MinMax | MinToTotal | MonoLoader | MonoMixer | MonoWriter | MovingAverage | MultiPitchKlapuri | MultiPitchMelodia | Multiplexer | MusicExtractor | MusicExtractorSVM | NNLSChroma | NSGConstantQ | NSGIConstantQ | NoiseAdder | NoiseBurstDetector | NoveltyCurve | NoveltyCurveFixedBpmEstimator | OddToEvenHarmonicEnergyRatio | OnsetDetection | OnsetDetectionGlobal | OnsetRate | Onsets | OverlapAdd | PCA | Panning | PeakDetection | PercivalBpmEstimator | PercivalEnhanceHarmonics | PercivalEvaluatePulseTrains | PitchCREPE | PitchContourSegmentation | PitchContours | PitchContoursMelody | PitchContoursMonoMelody | PitchContoursMultiMelody | PitchFilter | PitchMelodia | PitchSalience | PitchSalienceFunction | PitchSalienceFunctionPeaks | PitchYin | PitchYinFFT | PitchYinProbabilistic | PitchYinProbabilities | PitchYinProbabilitiesHMM | PolarToCartesian | PoolAggregator | PowerMean | PowerSpectrum | PredominantPitchMelodia | RMS | RawMoments | ReplayGain | Resample | ResampleFFT | RhythmDescriptors | RhythmExtractor | RhythmExtractor2013 | RhythmTransform | RollOff | SBic | SNR | SaturationDetector | Scale | SilenceRate | SineModelAnal | SineModelSynth | SineSubtraction | SingleBeatLoudness | SingleGaussian | Slicer | SpectralCentroidTime | SpectralComplexity | SpectralContrast | SpectralPeaks | SpectralWhitening | Spectrum | SpectrumCQ | SpectrumToCent | Spline | SprModelAnal | SprModelSynth | SpsModelAnal | SpsModelSynth | StartStopCut | StartStopSilence | StereoDemuxer | StereoMuxer | StereoTrimmer | StochasticModelAnal | StochasticModelSynth | StrongDecay | StrongPeak | SuperFluxExtractor | SuperFluxNovelty | SuperFluxPeaks | TCToTotal | TempoCNN | TempoScaleBands | TempoTap | TempoTapDegara | TempoTapMaxAgreement | TempoTapTicks | TensorNormalize | TensorTranspose | TensorflowInputFSDSINet | TensorflowInputMusiCNN | TensorflowInputTempoCNN | TensorflowInputVGGish | TensorflowPredict | TensorflowPredict2D | TensorflowPredictCREPE | TensorflowPredictEffnetDiscogs | TensorflowPredictFSDSINet | TensorflowPredictMAEST | TensorflowPredictMusiCNN | TensorflowPredictTempoCNN | TensorflowPredictVGGish | TonalExtractor | TonicIndianArtMusic | TriangularBands | TriangularBarkBands | Trimmer | Tristimulus | TruePeakDetector | TuningFrequency | TuningFrequencyExtractor | UnaryOperator | UnaryOperatorStream | Variance | Vibrato | Viterbi | WarpedAutoCorrelation | Welch | Windowing | YamlInput | YamlOutput | ZeroCrossingRate