
standard mode | Spectral category


  • signal (vector_real) - the input signal


  • powerSpectrum (vector_real) - power spectrum of the input signal


  • size (integer ∈ [1, ∞), default = 2048) :
    the expected size of the input frame (this is purely optional and only targeted at optimizing the creation time of the FFT object)


This algorithm computes the power spectrum of an array of Reals. The resulting power spectrum has a size which is half the size of the input array plus one. Bins contain squared magnitude values.

[1] Power Spectrum - from Wolfram MathWorld, http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PowerSpectrum.html

See also

PowerSpectrum (streaming) Spectrum (standard) Spectrum (streaming)

Standard algorithms

AfterMaxToBeforeMaxEnergyRatio | AllPass | AudioLoader | AudioOnsetsMarker | AudioWriter | AutoCorrelation | BFCC | BPF | BandPass | BandReject | BarkBands | BeatTrackerDegara | BeatTrackerMultiFeature | Beatogram | BeatsLoudness | BinaryOperator | BinaryOperatorStream | BpmHistogram | BpmHistogramDescriptors | BpmRubato | CartesianToPolar | CentralMoments | Centroid | ChordsDescriptors | ChordsDetection | ChordsDetectionBeats | ChromaCrossSimilarity | Chromagram | Chromaprinter | ClickDetector | Clipper | ConstantQ | CoverSongSimilarity | Crest | CrossCorrelation | CrossSimilarityMatrix | CubicSpline | DCRemoval | DCT | Danceability | Decrease | Derivative | DerivativeSFX | DiscontinuityDetector | Dissonance | DistributionShape | Duration | DynamicComplexity | ERBBands | EasyLoader | EffectiveDuration | Energy | EnergyBand | EnergyBandRatio | Entropy | Envelope | EqloudLoader | EqualLoudness | Extractor | FFT | FFTC | FadeDetection | FalseStereoDetector | Flatness | FlatnessDB | FlatnessSFX | Flux | FrameCutter | FrameGenerator | FrameToReal | FreesoundExtractor | FrequencyBands | GFCC | GaiaTransform | GapsDetector | GeometricMean | HFC | HPCP | HarmonicBpm | HarmonicMask | HarmonicModelAnal | HarmonicPeaks | HighPass | HighResolutionFeatures | Histogram | HprModelAnal | HpsModelAnal | HumDetector | IDCT | IFFT | IFFTC | IIR | Inharmonicity | InstantPower | Intensity | Key | KeyExtractor | LPC | Larm | Leq | LevelExtractor | LogAttackTime | LogSpectrum | LoopBpmConfidence | LoopBpmEstimator | Loudness | LoudnessEBUR128 | LoudnessVickers | LowLevelSpectralEqloudExtractor | LowLevelSpectralExtractor | LowPass | MFCC | Magnitude | MaxFilter | MaxMagFreq | MaxToTotal | Mean | Median | MedianFilter | MelBands | MetadataReader | Meter | MinMax | MinToTotal | MonoLoader | MonoMixer | MonoWriter | MovingAverage | MultiPitchKlapuri | MultiPitchMelodia | Multiplexer | MusicExtractor | MusicExtractorSVM | NNLSChroma | NSGConstantQ | NSGIConstantQ | NoiseAdder | NoiseBurstDetector | NoveltyCurve | NoveltyCurveFixedBpmEstimator | OddToEvenHarmonicEnergyRatio | OnsetDetection | OnsetDetectionGlobal | OnsetRate | Onsets | OverlapAdd | PCA | Panning | PeakDetection | PercivalBpmEstimator | PercivalEnhanceHarmonics | PercivalEvaluatePulseTrains | PitchCREPE | PitchContourSegmentation | PitchContours | PitchContoursMelody | PitchContoursMonoMelody | PitchContoursMultiMelody | PitchFilter | PitchMelodia | PitchSalience | PitchSalienceFunction | PitchSalienceFunctionPeaks | PitchYin | PitchYinFFT | PitchYinProbabilistic | PitchYinProbabilities | PitchYinProbabilitiesHMM | PolarToCartesian | PoolAggregator | PowerMean | PowerSpectrum | PredominantPitchMelodia | RMS | RawMoments | ReplayGain | Resample | ResampleFFT | RhythmDescriptors | RhythmExtractor | RhythmExtractor2013 | RhythmTransform | RollOff | SBic | SNR | SaturationDetector | Scale | SilenceRate | SineModelAnal | SineModelSynth | SineSubtraction | SingleBeatLoudness | SingleGaussian | Slicer | SpectralCentroidTime | SpectralComplexity | SpectralContrast | SpectralPeaks | SpectralWhitening | Spectrum | SpectrumCQ | SpectrumToCent | Spline | SprModelAnal | SprModelSynth | SpsModelAnal | SpsModelSynth | StartStopCut | StartStopSilence | StereoDemuxer | StereoMuxer | StereoTrimmer | StochasticModelAnal | StochasticModelSynth | StrongDecay | StrongPeak | SuperFluxExtractor | SuperFluxNovelty | SuperFluxPeaks | TCToTotal | TempoCNN | TempoScaleBands | TempoTap | TempoTapDegara | TempoTapMaxAgreement | TempoTapTicks | TensorNormalize | TensorTranspose | TensorflowInputFSDSINet | TensorflowInputMusiCNN | TensorflowInputTempoCNN | TensorflowInputVGGish | TensorflowPredict | TensorflowPredict2D | TensorflowPredictCREPE | TensorflowPredictEffnetDiscogs | TensorflowPredictFSDSINet | TensorflowPredictMAEST | TensorflowPredictMusiCNN | TensorflowPredictTempoCNN | TensorflowPredictVGGish | TonalExtractor | TonicIndianArtMusic | TriangularBands | TriangularBarkBands | Trimmer | Tristimulus | TruePeakDetector | TuningFrequency | TuningFrequencyExtractor | UnaryOperator | UnaryOperatorStream | Variance | Vibrato | Viterbi | WarpedAutoCorrelation | Welch | Windowing | YamlInput | YamlOutput | ZeroCrossingRate