
streaming mode | Extractors category


  • signal (real) - the input audio signal


  • barkbands (vector_real) - spectral energy at each bark band. See BarkBands alogithm

  • barkbands_kurtosis (real) - kurtosis from bark bands. See DistributionShape algorithm documentation

  • barkbands_skewness (real) - skewness from bark bands. See DistributionShape algorithm documentation

  • barkbands_spread (real) - spread from barkbands. See DistributionShape algorithm documentation

  • hfc (real) - See HFC algorithm documentation

  • mfcc (vector_real) - See MFCC algorithm documentation

  • pitch (real) - See PitchYinFFT algorithm documentation

  • pitch_instantaneous_confidence (real) - See PitchYinFFT algorithm documentation

  • pitch_salience (real) - See PitchSalience algorithm documentation

  • silence_rate_20dB (real) - See SilenceRate algorithm documentation

  • silence_rate_30dB (real) - See SilenceRate algorithm documentation

  • silence_rate_60dB (real) - See SilenceRate algorithm documentation

  • spectral_complexity (real) - See Spectral algorithm documentation

  • spectral_crest (real) - See Crest algorithm documentation

  • spectral_decrease (real) - See Decrease algorithm documentation

  • spectral_energy (real) - See Energy algorithm documentation

  • spectral_energyband_low (real) - Energy in band (20,150] Hz. See EnergyBand algorithm documentation

  • spectral_energyband_middle_low (real) - Energy in band (150,800] Hz.See EnergyBand algorithm documentation

  • spectral_energyband_middle_high (real) - Energy in band (800,4000] Hz. See EnergyBand algorithm documentation

  • spectral_energyband_high (real) - Energy in band (4000,20000] Hz. See EnergyBand algorithm documentation

  • spectral_flatness_db (real) - See flatnessDB algorithm documentation

  • spectral_flux (real) - See Flux algorithm documentation

  • spectral_rms (real) - See RMS algorithm documentation

  • spectral_rolloff (real) - See RollOff algorithm documentation

  • spectral_strongpeak (real) - See StrongPeak algorithm documentation

  • zerocrossingrate (real) - See ZeroCrossingRate algorithm documentation

  • inharmonicity (real) - See Inharmonicity algorithm documentation

  • tristimulus (vector_real) - See Tristimulus algorithm documentation

  • oddtoevenharmonicenergyratio (real) - See OddToEvenHarmonicEnergyRatio algorithm documentation


  • frameSize (integer ∈ (0, ∞), default = 2048) :

    the frame size for computing low level features

  • hopSize (integer ∈ (0, ∞), default = 1024) :

    the hop size for computing low level features

  • sampleRate (real ∈ (0, ∞), default = 44100) :

    the audio sampling rate


This algorithm extracts all low-level spectral features, which do not require an equal-loudness filter for their computation, from an audio signal

Source code

See also

LowLevelSpectralExtractor (standard)