
standard mode | Pitch category


  • pitchCandidates (vector_vector_real) - the pitch candidates
  • probabilities (vector_vector_real) - the pitch probabilities


  • pitch (vector_real) - pitch frequencies in Hz


  • minFrequency (real ∈ (0, ∞), default = 61.735) :
    minimum detected frequency
  • numberBinsPerSemitone (integer ∈ (1, ∞), default = 5) :
    number of bins per semitone
  • selfTransition (real ∈ (0, 1), default = 0.99) :
    the self transition probabilities
  • yinTrust (real ∈ (0, 1), default = 0.5) :
    the yin trust parameter


This algorithm estimates the smoothed fundamental frequency given the pitch candidates and probabilities using hidden Markov models. It is a part of the implementation of the probabilistic Yin algorithm [1].

An exception is thrown if an empty signal is provided.

[1] M. Mauch and S. Dixon, "pYIN: A Fundamental Frequency Estimator Using Probabilistic Threshold Distributions," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014)Project Report, 2004

See also

PitchYinProbabilitiesHMM (streaming)

Standard algorithms

AfterMaxToBeforeMaxEnergyRatio | AllPass | AudioLoader | AudioOnsetsMarker | AudioWriter | AutoCorrelation | BFCC | BPF | BandPass | BandReject | BarkBands | BeatTrackerDegara | BeatTrackerMultiFeature | Beatogram | BeatsLoudness | BinaryOperator | BinaryOperatorStream | BpmHistogram | BpmHistogramDescriptors | BpmRubato | CartesianToPolar | CentralMoments | Centroid | ChordsDescriptors | ChordsDetection | ChordsDetectionBeats | ChromaCrossSimilarity | Chromagram | Chromaprinter | ClickDetector | Clipper | ConstantQ | CoverSongSimilarity | Crest | CrossCorrelation | CrossSimilarityMatrix | CubicSpline | DCRemoval | DCT | Danceability | Decrease | Derivative | DerivativeSFX | DiscontinuityDetector | Dissonance | DistributionShape | Duration | DynamicComplexity | ERBBands | EasyLoader | EffectiveDuration | Energy | EnergyBand | EnergyBandRatio | Entropy | Envelope | EqloudLoader | EqualLoudness | Extractor | FFT | FFTC | FadeDetection | FalseStereoDetector | Flatness | FlatnessDB | FlatnessSFX | Flux | FrameCutter | FrameGenerator | FrameToReal | FreesoundExtractor | FrequencyBands | GFCC | GaiaTransform | GapsDetector | GeometricMean | HFC | HPCP | HarmonicBpm | HarmonicMask | HarmonicModelAnal | HarmonicPeaks | HighPass | HighResolutionFeatures | Histogram | HprModelAnal | HpsModelAnal | HumDetector | IDCT | IFFT | IFFTC | IIR | Inharmonicity | InstantPower | Intensity | Key | KeyExtractor | LPC | Larm | Leq | LevelExtractor | LogAttackTime | LogSpectrum | LoopBpmConfidence | LoopBpmEstimator | Loudness | LoudnessEBUR128 | LoudnessVickers | LowLevelSpectralEqloudExtractor | LowLevelSpectralExtractor | LowPass | MFCC | Magnitude | MaxFilter | MaxMagFreq | MaxToTotal | Mean | Median | MedianFilter | MelBands | MetadataReader | Meter | MinMax | MinToTotal | MonoLoader | MonoMixer | MonoWriter | MovingAverage | MultiPitchKlapuri | MultiPitchMelodia | Multiplexer | MusicExtractor | MusicExtractorSVM | NNLSChroma | NSGConstantQ | NSGIConstantQ | NoiseAdder | NoiseBurstDetector | NoveltyCurve | NoveltyCurveFixedBpmEstimator | OddToEvenHarmonicEnergyRatio | OnsetDetection | OnsetDetectionGlobal | OnsetRate | Onsets | OverlapAdd | PCA | Panning | PeakDetection | PercivalBpmEstimator | PercivalEnhanceHarmonics | PercivalEvaluatePulseTrains | PitchCREPE | PitchContourSegmentation | PitchContours | PitchContoursMelody | PitchContoursMonoMelody | PitchContoursMultiMelody | PitchFilter | PitchMelodia | PitchSalience | PitchSalienceFunction | PitchSalienceFunctionPeaks | PitchYin | PitchYinFFT | PitchYinProbabilistic | PitchYinProbabilities | PitchYinProbabilitiesHMM | PolarToCartesian | PoolAggregator | PowerMean | PowerSpectrum | PredominantPitchMelodia | RMS | RawMoments | ReplayGain | Resample | ResampleFFT | RhythmDescriptors | RhythmExtractor | RhythmExtractor2013 | RhythmTransform | RollOff | SBic | SNR | SaturationDetector | Scale | SilenceRate | SineModelAnal | SineModelSynth | SineSubtraction | SingleBeatLoudness | SingleGaussian | Slicer | SpectralCentroidTime | SpectralComplexity | SpectralContrast | SpectralPeaks | SpectralWhitening | Spectrum | SpectrumCQ | SpectrumToCent | Spline | SprModelAnal | SprModelSynth | SpsModelAnal | SpsModelSynth | StartStopCut | StartStopSilence | StereoDemuxer | StereoMuxer | StereoTrimmer | StochasticModelAnal | StochasticModelSynth | StrongDecay | StrongPeak | SuperFluxExtractor | SuperFluxNovelty | SuperFluxPeaks | TCToTotal | TempoCNN | TempoScaleBands | TempoTap | TempoTapDegara | TempoTapMaxAgreement | TempoTapTicks | TensorNormalize | TensorTranspose | TensorflowInputFSDSINet | TensorflowInputMusiCNN | TensorflowInputTempoCNN | TensorflowInputVGGish | TensorflowPredict | TensorflowPredict2D | TensorflowPredictCREPE | TensorflowPredictEffnetDiscogs | TensorflowPredictFSDSINet | TensorflowPredictMAEST | TensorflowPredictMusiCNN | TensorflowPredictTempoCNN | TensorflowPredictVGGish | TonalExtractor | TonicIndianArtMusic | TriangularBands | TriangularBarkBands | Trimmer | Tristimulus | TruePeakDetector | TuningFrequency | TuningFrequencyExtractor | UnaryOperator | UnaryOperatorStream | Variance | Vibrato | Viterbi | WarpedAutoCorrelation | Welch | Windowing | YamlInput | YamlOutput | ZeroCrossingRate