
streaming mode | Tonal category


  • chords (string) - the chord progression

  • key (string) - the key of the whole song, from A to G

  • scale (string) - the scale of the whole song (major or minor)


  • chordsHistogram (vector_real) - the normalized histogram of chords

  • chordsNumberRate (real) - the ratio of different chords from the total number of chords in the progression

  • chordsChangesRate (real) - the rate at which chords change in the progression

  • chordsKey (string) - the key of the progression, taken as the most frequent chord

  • chordsScale (string) - the scale of the progression, whether major or minor


Given a chord progression this algorithm describes it by means of key, scale, histogram, and rate of change. Note:

  • chordsHistogram indexes follow the circle of fifths order, while being shifted to the input key and scale

  • key and scale are taken from the most frequent chord. In the case where multiple chords are equally frequent, the chord is hierarchically chosen from the circle of fifths.

  • chords should follow this name convention <A-G>[<#/b><m>] (i.e. C, C# or C#m are valid chords). Chord names not fitting this convention will throw an exception.

Input chords vector may not be empty, otherwise an exception is thrown.


[1] Chord progression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,

[2] Circle of fifths - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,

Source code

See also

ChordsDescriptors (standard) Histogram (standard) Histogram (streaming)